Why Consider Managed Security Services Instead Of SIEM?

Introduction: Business owners operating online are relying heavily on interconnected networks are always in the firing line. They have got this fear of attackers who are always keen to come up with security breaches that can provide them with access to the sensitive information of business and its clientele. The picture gets bigger on them,…

Benefits Of A Third Party Managed Security Services

Network security has become an essential need for the sake of organizations. Cyber-threats have been increasing with the passage of every single day. That’s the reason every firm especially needs to take care of its network security to ensure they are safe from every kind of cyber-attack. For the organizations, it becomes a tricky and…

Few Basic Measures To Protect Your Data Online

It has been reported that over 9 billion records have been stolen since 2013. Thieves are proactively targeting potential websites for breaching important data. They can steal away with credit card information, personal data of customers or your email correspondence. Many people have been blackmailed into publishing their private information all over the internet. Thousands…

Information Security, Can You Fight Alone?

Introduction: You are among those entrepreneurs who rely on the online world for most of their business functions and operations. You are well aware of the potential threats that exist. You believe you can deal with them because you are confident that you have got some sufficient technical knowledge. Your plan: Because you are operating…

Cyber Security Services, To Secure Information And Processes

Introduction: Information and processes is core to any business and if they are not secured, then things may get into very grave zones for one as a business owner. In complex markets where the legal frameworks are firm and rigid the margin for such blunders is almost none. However, there are parts of the world…

Managed Security Services Improve Revenue Of Business

Introduction: What if the service provider becomes a target of network breach? The conundrum of network security is increasing in complexity with time. Deloitte is the latest victim of security infiltration by hackers. Why are networks stumbling upon when it comes to security? Are the available tools not good enough? Who can the customers rely?…

You Will Need Security And Confidence To Be Humble!

Introduction: Moving one in markets that are reliant on the world of online business with a setup that too depends on the cyber world may not be an easy task. Having said that, this by no means shall be assumed or taken in wrong contexts, i.e. whether one performs offline or online, challenges are going…

Why You Should Move To The Cloud!

Introduction: With the influx of latest technological solutions and approaches, entrepreneurs are considering themselves lucky. Rightly so, because all the new arrivals as far as technological solutions are concerned are packed with security and safety. Their corporate oriented nature makes them further attractive for all those that are connected with interconnected networks and are operating…

Get A Security Edge Over Competitors

The most integral and important part for any business, no matter how big or small is the safety and security of not only the place but also the system. It gives confidence to the employees and customer on the company, and helps them being more productive and active in the process to make the organization…